Monday, August 2, 2010

What is mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer (malignancy) that most frequently arises from the cells lining the sacs of the chest (the pleura) or the abdomen (the peritoneum). Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form, often presenting with symptoms in the chest area. Peritoneal mesothelioma is much less common. This can effect the organs in the abdomen, and its symptoms are related to this area of the body, that is, abdominal swelling, nausea, vomiting, and bowel obstruction. The rarest form of mesothelioma is pericardial mesothelioma, which involves the sac surrounding the heart.

There are two major cell types of mesothelioma, epithelial and sarcomatoid. Sometimes both of these cell types can be present. The sarcomatoid type is rarer and occurs in only about 15% of cases; it portends a poorer prognosis. In very rare cases, mesothelioma can originate from benign, non-malignant cells. This so-called benign mesothelioma can be cured surgically.


  1. that is useful information..tanks for sharing

  2. thanx 4 sharing....the imformation is awesum....thanx 4 sharing man

  3. Thamks for sharing dude
    It s really so informative and helpful for me

  4. I learn many useful information about Mesothelioma. Thanks for writing.

  5. mesothelioma is the worst thing a man could have. good post but still a very painful and lasting cancer.

  6. I never new about this type of cancer before reading your article. I am shocked to hear all about this cancer. My heart goes out to every patient that is suffering from this disease.

  7. The article is really good if u ask my rating for this article for 5 out 5 I will shurely give 4 Ratings Because the article contains maximum required information about What is mesothelioma? which really helps any one if they come across this article for information

  8. I was unknown about Mesothelioma but after reading this article now i am well informed about Mesothelioma.Thank you for posting these information.

  9. This is the first article which enlighten me about mesothelioma, brief yet very informative.

  10. very useful article to understand the important evidence for Mesothelioma. in this article there is a detail describe of Mesothelioma is to given. in this article everybody will get the overview of Mesothelioma. thanks for the share

  11. this do really shares a deeper understanding about mesothelioma. very informative.

  12. i read this article very carefully, it's an interesting topic, well explained and easy to follow

  13. Good article and Good information about mesothelioma, I am sure this information is very useful for all those who do not understand the disease mesothelioma.

  14. This is means a rare cancer that my knowledge is grow about cancer too and I feel sympathy for those victims and May god help those sick people.

  15. this is a great article to understand mesothelioma. it is very interesting indeed.
    thanks for sharing such useful information.

  16. I have never heard of mesothelioma my entire life. This article gave me an eye opener. Please keep articles like this coming!

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  18. Thank you for this detailed description on mesothelioma. I always wondered what it was after seeing commercials and billboards. This article helped fill me in!

  19. This site really helpful, a lot of important information about disease, thanks for sharing and keep up.

  20. This article is very useful and also helpful for me. It has gave me new information about mesothelioma. I'm going to tell some of my friends to visit your site! Thanks for your sharing.

  21. The article is really good if u ask my rating for this article for 5 out 5 I will shurely give 4 Ratings Because the article contains maximum required information about What is mesothelioma? which really helps any one if they come across this article for information

  22. First time I hear this type of cancer..
    Anyway, what is the major cause of this cancer, and how about the probability that this cancer will strike people ?
    Thanks for sharing.. Nice..

  23. i just wan to say " AWESOME ", i never find a education blog like here . . . . thank you so much

  24. I like the article. Actually i wann know about that. and this is so helpful..Thanks for the sharing.

  25. Really a very good article about mesothelioma. I got a good concept about mesothelioma. Thanks for share it.

  26. it is very helpful and nice blog. thanks for sharing.

  27. now i know what it is and how it was gonna be,
    thanks budd...

  28. It is a very informative blog. From this I know what it is.

  29. really very helpful comment. me was a little worried about mesothelioma,
    But now it give me a clear concept about mesothelioma.
    Thanks for your good post.

  30. very interesting. Thanks for this.

  31. It is a very informative blog. From this I know what it is. nice work.. keep it up

  32. This is an excellent article. This is a very useful useful blog for every body.

  33. i know little about this disease and i know more now through the detailed description here.

  34. I did not know so much about this disease and now I have some idea. thanks for this kind of blog

  35. Now I know what is mesothelioma. Thanks for the information.

  36. Such a very informative article.. I never knew about his kind of cancer! Keep on sharing author... Thanks for the info!

  37. nice information about health decease
    i never heard about mesothelioma before
    so definitely its good for my knowledge
    and thank you so much for sharing
    nice blog keep updating.......

  38. The article provides a very informational perspective on this kind of cancer.Thanks.

  39. I think this is a nice artile about Mesothelioma. For new user this is very very helpful blog. Thanks for this article.

  40. wow...this is a very nice blog,,thanx for sharing :)

  41. this is a very informative site. it really helps people suffering from mesothelioma. not only the people suffering from it but also the family will have some insights and information about it. thank you for sharing this article.

  42. very informative and useful post. this will help people in many ways. thanks for sharing this.

  43. This is really an informative article, it gave me new information about Mesothelioma, thank's for sharing!

  44. I was unknown about the word mesothelioma.Now after reading this article i am well aware about mesothelioma.Thanks for posting this article.

  45. That's good information about mesothelioma, i think there not alot of people can make such posts as it's a rare type of cancer, so if you have any patient that have mesothelioma please give us more info about this type`, thanks.

  46. very much informative informations, i didn't have much information about it ... but it really help, i cannot say myself to say thanks ... :)

  47. Thanks so much for explaining about mesothelioma. It is very helpful and informative.

  48. your this blog is awesome this blog have many important information

  49. This blog is one of the best.Very useful for me.Thanks and keep posting

  50. Now I came to understand what mesothelioma is. Thanks for your explanation about this sickness.

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